One of the West Coast’s oldest institutions of high education with over 150 years of history and numerous prominent graduates.
Due to the historical architecture of the buildings, coupled with the need to provide seamless wireless coverage both indoors and out, the customer required a highly experienced team that has worked in some of the most complex environments and is familiar with non-traditional design based upon specific criteria and requirements.
Our team of highly experienced engineers began the design process that consisted of numerous buildings and 100+ acre campus allowing students, staff and faculty a seamless, secure and connected user experience regardless of location within the campus boundaries.
Designed to support data, voice and video, students are leveraging a design that supports their bandwidth intensive applications such as gaming, while relaxing indoors or under the shade of a tree outdoors.
Students, staff and faculty are collaborating within the University provided high speed Wi-Fi network and staying off of the lower speed cellular data cost model provided from the carriers.